Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ms. Herrera

Since I’m not gonna put her Gov. n Ms. Herrera is too long let’s call this woman TITI. Now TITI requested me on myspace on Feb of 06, don’t know how she found me but didn’t care. She was datin a dude I grew up wit but he saw no real interest in her, how do I kno? She told me. Lol So ok she forgets about him and I do too, we start gettin to kno each other a little better. She’s from the BX and of course I’m from DYCKMAN her birthday had passed which explains the default of her with balloons. Shorty was OBVIOUSLY feelin me cuz she will constantly ask me when we chillin? when u comin 2 see me? And I would front like uhh… I got u boo, soon, and shit like that. I honestly didn’t find her that attractive so I just pushed her away. Couple months pass n she gave up on me and well the more we talked the more interested in her I became. Me n her stop hittin each other up like we did cuz she got jealous of all the girls that would comment my pics or comment my page, didn’t understand why BUT I was still a young buck so kinda didn’t kno if some1 has feelings for u little things like that bother. A year passed n we back at it like we first was, my confidence was a bit higher and TITI was lookin beautiful this time I was on her shit. She brushed me off and went off 2 date other guys and well I never seen this girl or REALLY kno her 2 be stuck on her so I said ehh u just anotha girl I lost so dats when I went n dated HER [go read on that lol]. Had my whole episode wit HER and surprised me n TITI ended up speakin 2 each other again, told me how her relationship didn’t work n of course minez didn’t either. At this point I kept askin myself why we aren’t together but didn’t really press her on that. We become close like so close that I feel im already dating her, she sends me pics for my eyes only [be ez] n I do da same, we text each other on the regular and call each other sometimes. She even had her name as superwoman on myspace, which reminded me of the fab line that he says “ever since this superwoman has come 2 the rescue my winters been wonderful, my summers been special”. Her voice is like a angel singin and her laugh is the cutest thing, at this point im havin dreams of her, I feel like I need her but… she disappears again. Months go on n I don’t hear from her and well I go back n forth with a few exes and yea dat goes down the drain quick. So I reach out to her and press her bout wanting to be her man n wantin to see her, and she rejects me, I send her text we talk for a while then she brb me n never hit me back up, kinda plays with my emotions but I man up n don’t stress it. We do this for the rest of the year then comes 08 another year of games, we kno everything about each other and long year short we still don’t meet each other. I told her I wanted to see her before the year finished so she could be the last beautiful thing I see in 08 and the first in 09 but… that didn’t happen cuz well… she deaded me again. I let her rock until her birthday, I told her the usual n then let her rock I think she had a man so I didn’t even wanna bother. Last month I was thinkin bout her heavy so I put her pic as my icon sorta like the bat signal to show her I been thinkin bout her, she hits me up n we’re back at it again. Idk how long this is gonna last but I kno this won’t be the last time Ima write/think about her. Maybe if im lucky she’ll tell me exactly how she feel bout me or the way she saw the story. TITI is the only girl I never ever seen in real life but feel might be the one I marry n prolly have my kid and if she does im with her 100% no abortion that’s gonna be the end of our story and a start for our kid… Since that isn't happening anytime soon...


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